Remove WordPress Smiley Face

How To Remove WordPress Smiley Face From The Footer Area?

Are you getting the WordPress smiley face in the footer area of your website? It is because the WordPress plugin “Jetpack from” is showing that little smiley face in the left corner of the footer. To remove WordPress Smiley Face, a little bit of code is needed.

When you try to build a better blog and suddenly notice an undesirable content on your website then it won’t be bearable. The whole design would look unstructured after a white space in the footer.

I am sure, neither you nor your readers would like that. The most important thing is that the design of your website matters a lot and influence your reputation.

Remove WordPress Smiley face From The Jetpack?

As I have mentioned above that the smiley you see in the footer is because of the plugin. It is the wp stats smiley face.

When you add the Jetpack plugin and enable to see the stats of your website then the smiley appears. You can remove it from the Jetpack.

Step 1:- Go to the Jetpack settings and you would notice an option of “site stats“. You have to click on the “configure” button to open it settings.

Step 2:- You would notice that an option is there to remove WordPress smiley face. Just click on the checkbox and save.

Sometimes this option doesn’t help you. But it will help you to guide the to hide the smiley. It is checked because you shouldn’t just put the code to hide it. It’s better to let know.

Add The Code in CSS File To Remove WordPress Smiley Face.

Now you have to add a small code in the CSS file of your WordPress Theme. If you can find the stylesheet file from the WordPress Dashboard then it’s great. Otherwise, you have to find it from the cPanel.

Step 1:- From the WordPress admin area, go to appearance>>editor. It would open the theme editor where all the files present in the theme of your website would appear.

Step 2:- You would find the “style.css” file. Just open it and add the code.

img#wpstats{ position:absolute; top:0; width:0px; height:0px; overflow:hidden }

Step 3:- Save the file and you won’t see any white space or the wp stats smiley face.

In the code, you are targeting the smiley face image which has the ID=”wpstats” by default.

There is another alternative to remove WordPress smiley face. You can use the display property of the CSS. But it’s better to use the position property because it is believed that the display property may conflict the site stats.

But still, let me show you the code. It would also work fine.

img#wpstats{ display: none; }

Just A Simple Code And You Can Easily Remove WordPress Smiley Face.

You would be thinking why would WordPress show such WordPress smiley face. Well, it’s the way to show the gesture. Sometimes, it looks cute but when the footer of your website has the different color then you have to remove WordPress smiley face.

The white space would conflict the design of the website. The above code would work perfectly and you will never see the smiley or the white space.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Informative post ?

    I haven’t noticed the smiley face, or perhaps we disabled it long back – but yes, it may be showing if you don’t remove the code, as you mentioned. Does this show up on all the jetpack versions, as we are using the lite version I think, so just wondering?

    Thanks for sharing. Happy weekend ?

    1. Hey Harleena,

      The smiley face appears only when you enable the site stats option from the Jetpack plugin. There will be a white space at the bottom of the website layout in the footer section with a little smiley in the let corner.

      As I have mentioned there is an option in the Jetpack but sometimes it doesn’t work. So for the removal, you have to add the code shown in the post.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Enjoy the week ahead.


  2. Ravi,

    Ver informative post. I have seen this on some blogs, and I hid that with CSS ?

    But, good to know more about. New theme looks great Ravi. Good Job. However, why didn’t use some more contrasting font?

    It’s great anyway.

    1. Hey Atish,

      CSS has a lot to do with the blogging. People should know at least the basics.

      I wanted to develop a simple theme with proper white space and this font is quite good. But still, I will look after some new fonts.

      Thanks for the suggestion.

      Have a great day.


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